As a System administrator, keeping disk images for many computers current can
be quite time consuming.
Due to Drive Snapshot's easy command line interface, this can be done much
more easily.
Using RLOGIN/RCONSOLE from the Windows NT Resource pack, or the ingenious
utility from Sysinternals,
you can easily automate this process, or control it from your own working place.
Example for PSEXEC:
C::\>PSEXEC \\userComputer -u administrator -p
-c -f
-h c:\Programme\snapshot\Snapshot.exe C: \\Server\Backup\user\C-drive.SNA
This will:
login to the computer 'Usercomputer' as an administrator (required); copy
Snapshot.exe to the other computer, and start a backup of the C:-drive to some
space on your \\Server.
Please see PSEXEC documentation for more details.
Note: when backing up a Vista or Windows 7 computer, please use
-h If the target system is Vista or higher, has the process
run with the account's elevated token, if available.
Otherwise you will get a UAC (User Account Control) prompt that no one is able to answer.